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University Leap > Education > Top skills needed in the 21st century #SkillDevelopment
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Having a fair idea about one’s course or field is integral to doing well in it. Companies need specific degrees or diplomas as prerequisites for candidates to apply for certain jobs. An additional certification adds good value to one’s CV undoubtedly. Having said that, there are general skills too which are essential in the 21st century. The top skills required by all the students & professionals that every study abroad consultant in Delhi advises are given as follows:

  1. Communication Skills 
    If a candidate clears an entrance exam for a certain job, what follows further is an interview. That is exactly where good communication skills come to the rescue. Anyone not able to explain oneself or one’s knowledge confidently loses the chances to make an impact. Zig Ziglar once said, “Your attitude determines your altitude.” So one should be prepared to give one’s best shot at whatever one does. Communication skills can be taken through practising techniques of public speaking. There are courses people can take on websites likes Udemy, Teachable for instance. Many digital creators like Jay Shetty & Avi Arya provide lessons on effective public speaking. Personal development books are helpful to a greater extent as well. Examples of some of those books are:
    Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller
    The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking by Dale Carnegie
  2. Leadership Qualities 
    Individual who has leadership qualities can make one’s presence felt, be it any environment. Every company wants to hire people with great interpersonal and networking skills. A person who carries these can become a great leader. It takes time to grow as a leader as it comes with practical experience of working as a team player. Carrying a positive attitude at work can imbibe leadership qualities in any person so it is advisable to stay consistent and patient to see the results take shape.
  3. Analytical Skills 
    Data, numbers and graphs determine the success or failure of projects and campaigns in the present day. Having knowledge of data management and processing it to derive results is a skill one must possess. This skill keeps growing with experience and time, so it must be emphasised upon. Knowledge of different software and relevant technology is a great plus when it comes to being a team player.
  4. Multitasking Skills 
    The truth of the 21st century is multitasking. Competition is at its peak, so it calls for good time-management, efficiency and equal knowledge of how things function. Adaptability to the changing technology and market demands requires an individual to deliver. One must have the ability to become vocal and accept changes to adapt in the professional environment. This can lead to the collective success of a team.
  5. Creativity & Innovation 
    Being creative and fresh in one’s approach is a relevant skill. It helps in marketing, product development, research and lots more. Creativity clubbed with analytics and science can optimise results in any business domain. It is an open stream, and anyone can get a great idea that works wonders at work. The need is to realise the power of freshness while using existing resources! As Walt Disney rightly said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” So, whichever field or stream you pick up in life – never underestimate the power of the additional skills.They can prepare you for a bright future! Keep learning new skills while upgrading your existing skills to become the best version of yourself. If you require more guidance on skill development, then connect with a study abroad consultant in Delhi.


    Image: Freepik

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