The New Zealand education programs and degrees are based on the worlds most recognized and accredited education system- The British System- without the same expense. The degrees are recognized around the world as being up-to-date and have a reputation around the world for being practical, modern and desired and the degrees granted by the institutions are recognized internationally.
You will get a high quality, hands on education that you deserve. New Zealand has an excellent centrally-managed quality assurance system.
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) requires that all institutions enrolling international students should be registered and ensures compliance with qualifications standards. Not only this, New Zealand provides the best support services for international students in the world. They hold a lot of expertise and experience in helping international students so that they can succeed in their programs.
- Management and commerce,
- Information technology and engineering
- Sports Management,
- Hospitality
- Adventure Tourism,
- Aviation
- Cyber Security
- Film and Animation
- Business Analytics