Gig Economy is the term derived from the word ‘gig’ which is commonly referred to performances by musicians at one place, after which they go to the next place to perform. Meaning that they don’t importantly have only one particular workplace but numerous workplaces depending on their demand. The same situation can be observed commonly in the current market scenario where professionals with expertise in a particular skill are providing their services to multiple organisations. Given below are insights on the same lines by the overseas education consultants of Delhi.
Industries where Gig Economy is Practiced
Most industries are following the idea of gig economy given a variety of benefits come along with it. Some industries have followed this concept since time immemorial, while some are completely new to it in the age of digital media communication. In the image below, different sectors can be spotted through their respective icons. With the passing day, we see terms such as Freelancers, Independent Contractors, Project-based Workers, Temporary Hires on a rise. All of them follow the spirit of the Gig Economy and derive their livelihood through the use of their relevant skills.

The media, education, events, entertainment, consultancy, news and service-based industries are utilising the opportunity to get the best out of the talents of professionals. The internet has come out to be a boon to help various industries extract value out of this concept. Had it not been for the internet, we would not be using this term as rapidly as now. Today every individual has access to instruments such as video, audio and written communication. Social media, e-mails, video calls are what make communication a piece of cake. Analytical tools assist in projecting the growth and impact of the work done sitting at one’s home. Information & technology have brought the world closer in appreciating one another’s achievements and strengths. Observing the current rise in the numbers of people taking up such careers, it can be correctly said that the gig economy is the future of work!
Benefits of the Gig Economy
Certain benefits exist in this concept of work. They include:
- Opportunity to contribute to multiple projects at one time
- Find the best team to achieve one’s goals
- Get a consultation from professionals who would otherwise be very expensive
- Living below one’s means
- Be free to work from anywhere in the world
- Be your boss
- Work as per one’s timelines
- Take off from work whenever one likes
.. and many more!
Skills That Can Make You Earn From Your Home
- Graphic Designing
- Website Development
- Content Writing
- Digital Marketing
- Public Speaking
- Training on any topic
How To Begin The Journey?
This can be a very valid question when it comes to entering the #GigEconomy! The journey starts right from understanding your interest and passion. If you are a student then you should complete your higher education in your chosen field of study. Should you need guidance on choosing your career or stream then connect with the overseas education consultants of Delhi, to help you take a psychometric test. This test can make your preferences, aptitude and personality very clear for a counsellor to decode.
If you are a professional then you could seek clients through your contacts like friends or relatives. If they are not your target group, then go online on some websites that can help you find freelancing opportunities. Some websites are listed below:
There is one website for online graphic designing competitions. It is called 99 Designs.
A comparatively new website for similar jobs is Digital Market. It is led by Gaurav Gurbaxani, who is a digital marketer on a journey of freelancing for many years.
So you have the right resources with yourself. Just make sure that you learn new skills and deliver work with all your heart. Success shall be yours!
If you require any further guidance on the subject of Gig Economy or want career counselling advice then WhatsApp us your queries right away: +91 9899101239