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National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 to be implemented by 2022 : PM Modi

University Leap > Education > National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 to be implemented by 2022 : PM Modi

The Human Resource Ministry this year announced the major reforms under the newly laid National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. It is said to be the third Education Policy to be released in the history of independent India. The previous ones being in 1968 and 1986 respectively. The Narendra Modi led government aims to implement the NEP by 2022.

The policy is seen as forward-looking in its intent to fill the gaps of the current education system. NEP would function to provide quality elementary education in schools and colleges of both rural and urban areas of the country. The PM has urged the state boards and educational institutes to cooperate in its execution in the coming years.

“The policy has taken 4-5 years to frame after enormous analysis and consultations with eminent educators”; Mr. Modi said. In addition, MyGov received around 1.5 million suggestions on the policy layout, that would help in implementing the policy efficiently.

The beneficiaries would remain to be the students as well as the teachers. The National Council for Teacher Education shall ensure better teacher training under the reforms which would make the BEd degree of 4 years mandatory for teachers by 2030. These are amongst the set of reforms underway through the NEP 2020.

We take you through some of the key changes that NEP 2020 proposes; as analysed by the best career counsellors of Delhi.

  1. Present school system of 10 + 2 to be divided into 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 format. The stages would be Foundation, Preparatory, Middle & Secondary respectively.
  2. Teaching up to at least class 5 to be in the mother tongue or a regional language.
  3. Vocational education to be integrated from class 6 & internship of 10 days in school to be made part of the system.
  4. National Testing Agency will conduct SAT-Like college entrance test twice a year.
  5. A 4-Year multi-disciplinary bachelor’s programme would be implemented.
  6. Credit system to begin where students could take drop-out in the mid-term yet have the option to complete the degree after a break.
  7. Top-rated universities from abroad could enter India, and Indian universities would be encouraged to go global.

Interestingly, the name of the HRD Ministry is now changed to the “Ministry of Education”. 

On 11th September, the PM delivered an address on the topic “School Education in 21st Century” under NEP 2020 Conclave. In this, he felicitated the teachers for their contributions to the education sector; as well as, shared his insights on the educational reforms.

Mr. Modi emphasised upon creating an activity and fun based learning experience, not just limited to the walls. The importance was also given to the usage of regional language and mother tongue, in a way, that it keeps the children till class 5th focussed on learning new subjects and not just focussing on learning the languages. English and other languages should be taught, but the local languages should not be missed out on. PM talked about providing the learning environment to students, where they could imbibe scientific and mathematical temperament by obtaining the right opportunities and guidance.

In addition to the above points, the focus of the NPE 2020 is also on developing critical thinking, creativity and communication. What we can understand is, that the government is recognizing the fact that every child is unique and must be provided with the exposure to bring out the best in oneself, be it any field of study.

It is vital that every student takes guidance from the teachers to excel in the chosen field. If you require psychometric testing or career consultancy, then connect with the best career counsellors of Delhi.

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