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University Leap > Education > What is a Statement of Purpose?
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The Statement of Purpose (SOP) plays a great role in your admission application process in a given university. It is the only document which you have full control over. Through the SOP you get the chance to talk directly to the admissions council, and tell them your strong points. Make sure you cast a good impression.

While you can get it written through expert writers, but at the same time the element of personalisation should stay intact. A student’s personality can be judged by the way he/she expresses oneself through the Statement of Purpose. The major points to be addressed in the SOP writing are as follows:

  • Introduction (Explain about your present status, what are you pursuing.)
  • Your Passion & Interests (Talk about your passion and goals.)
  • The subject you want to study (How will those subjects fulfil your goals?)
  • Work Experience (If you have worked in the corporate sector, done internships or social work, etc., relevant to your subjects.)
  • Creative Storytelling (Be honest and clear. Go with a flow. Do not mention points abruptly.)
  • Why you want to study in the university? (Why are you interest in a given university?)
  • How can the institution help you? (Talk of your future goals, in relation to the reputation of the institution. Create a link between your goals and the college.)
  • Reflect your strong values (Be professional and warm in your communication. It should appear that you’re serious about your higher education.)
  • Why you should be given a chance? Your USP (What makes you different?)
  • Conclusion. (Do not bring in any new points in the conclusion. Summarise the points you have talked about earlier.)

In addition to the above points, precision and clarity should be valued throughout the SOP. The document can be somewhere between 800-1000 words. Talk to the point and do not make the points look repetitive. Once you’re done with writing the SOP, get it reviewed by your teachers or certified study abroad consultants. Proofreading an SOP is a must. Take as much time as you need to draft your essay, do not rush by drafting it in the last minute. The more brain-storming you do, the more effective your essay gets. Don’t forget, it’s a formal and professional document, so any usage of slangs or flattery should be avoided.

Never underestimate the role an SOP can play in enhancing or lessening your chances to get admitted to a given college. Admissions councils abroad take a look at SOP’s carefully to understand whether you’re a good fit for the institution or not. Keep in mind, that thousands of students every year want to study in a college with limited seats. Hence, the admissions council gets the right to make the choice on who should be granted admission and who should not.

Also Read>> Quick Points to Keep in Mind Before Writing a Statement of Purpose?

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