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University Leap > Education > Indian Films on Higher Education – Bridging REEL to REALITY
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We Indians are movie-buffs, no wonder in that. By catching the Hollywood flicks, sitcoms and comedy shows with earnestness, we tell how much we adore creativity, innovation and entertainment. The same goes two levels up when the discussion is about the Bollywood mainstream films or Netflix originals by Indian digital creators. The fun gets real, like never before. Now when we talk about comedy, entertainment and thrillers in all glory; let’s give a fair deal of eminence to those films that educate and teach us to accept ourselves for who we are. 

Call it a basic nature of humanness which comes to question, but topics like the ones talked in “3 Idiots”, “Chichore”, “Taare Zameen Par” for instance deserve the space they are given. These films have an audience of their own in every cinema lover, who loves to introspect and look at one’s decisions, dreams and actions. Questions like, “are we right in competing too much with others”, “is it alright to fail in exams, without stressing out and being depressed all the time?”. Yes, the time has come when films show a perspective which the human eye misses to observe otherwise. The perspective to take a breather, act human and accept that “maybe I couldn’t get through the entrance exam this time, because my preparation fell short”, or “I’ll keep trying, because failing isn’t an option.” The kind of emotional support and care that students often need from their dear ones – the same, mainstream films are providing! Hats off to that approach by Film Directors and Producers. 

Education is the right of every child, and so it should reach out to him/her; but not at the expense of their mental peace and wellness. When the students are unsure of their career decisions, they should be brought to correct counselling and assessment; the best would be to take them to certified career counsellors. These days, psychometric tests help students and parents understand the interest and passion of students. The results of the tests are assessed by the counsellors who help students explore wide opportunities in their line of interest. Nothing beats that, as in today’s age – opportunities are wide, and there is nothing to hold students back in following their inner calling. 

Global education opportunities provide students a better chance to bring the best out of themselves, and that is not by competing with anyone else, but their own selves. The filmmakers are determined to create films on important subject lines and education is one that comes above all. 

In conclusion, it is imperative that students & parents think openly when it comes to career and goal mapping of students. The cinema will keep doing its work of providing a perspective; all we need to do is, creating and following the career roadmap, which is promising and structured. The education consultants in Delhi can be your best guides to bridge your dreams to reality.

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