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University Leap > Education > 7 Ways to Cope Up With Exam Pressure?
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A little stress is good as it motivates you to do something. However, stress during exams can hamper your studies and affect your mental and physical health. Here are some points listed by best career counsellors in Delhi to rescue you from exam pressure:

  1. Breathing Exercise

When exam anxiety engulfs you, you need to ease up. Take at least five minutes from your day, just to practise different breathing technique, this will relax you.

2. Eat well

Students usually tend to eat more or less due to exam tension. Many of them survive on caffeine instead of water. Skipping meals, eating late or over eating will not get you more marks. You should give proper attention to your diet and drink plenty of water.

3. Sleep well

Study late night or early in the morning, whichever suits you. But make sure that you get 6-8 hours sleep every day. Also, ensure that you go to bed early on the night before the exam so that you can give your exam with a fresh mind.

4. Take breaks

Our minds cannot stay focused for more than 45 minutes. Hence, take a 5-10 minute break after every 45 minutes. You make take a walk, help your mother with household chores or even take a power nap to refresh your mind.

5. Focus on yourself

You have to perform better- better than last time and not better than any other student in your class. Don’t be scared of how others are studying or what they are studying. Focus on what and how you have to study.

how to ease exam pressure? | best education consultant in delhi

6. Set realistic goals

Studying all night before the exam day is what many of your friends might be resorting to. Ask yourself- “Can I mug up the whole syllabus in one night?” Assess the time that you have and the topics that you need to study and then set your goals.

7. Reach out

If your stress level is out of control then reach out to your family or a counsellor. Open up about your worries and seek their help.

If you are in need of help, contact one of the best career counsellors in Delhi. Call us at 91+ 9899101239 or write to us at

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